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Principal component analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2024-05-30Updated:2024-05-30
Similar words: principal componentcomponent analysisfinancial statement analysiscontent analysisstatement analysistransient analysisinvestment analysisrequirement analysis
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31. Based on their financial ratio index, this paper rates financial positions of 400 companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange by non-linear principal component analysis.
More similar words: principal componentcomponent analysisfinancial statement analysiscontent analysisstatement analysistransient analysisinvestment analysisrequirement analysiscomposite analysisfundamental componentfundamental analysisradial componentcost analysisheat analysisvertical componentintegral componentprice analysiscryptanalysismarket analysisprincipalproject analysisstandard analysisproduct analysisfinancial analysisprincipallyconflict analysisin the last analysissyntactic analysiscomparative analysisprincipality
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